North Carolina’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts Contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District for information on conservation programs, working lands preservation, educational resources and contests and natural resource technical support. For detailed District Directory, click here.


Most of these phone numbers will prompt you to select extension 3. Links to district web sites are continually being added to this list.

Phone Number
Alamance* 336-226-0477
Alexander* 828-632-0638
Alleghany* 336-372-4645
Anson (Brown Creek)* 910-694-3516
Avery* 828-733-2291
Beaufort 252-946-4989
Bertie 252-794-5305
Bladen 910-862-3179
Brunswick* 910-253-4448
Buncombe 828-254-0916
Burke 828-439-9727
Cabarrus 704-920-3300
Caldwell 828-758-1111
Camden* 252-338-6353
Carteret 252-728-4078
Caswell 336-694-4581
Catawba 828-465-8950
Chatham 919-542-2244
Cherokee* 828-837-6417
Chowan 252-482-4127
Clay 828-389-9764
Cleveland 704-471-0235
Columbus 910-642-2196
Craven 252-637-2547
Cumberland* 910-484-8479
Currituck 252-232-3360
Dare 252-441-1345
Davidson* 336-242-2075
Davie* 336-751-5011
Duplin 910-296-2120
Durham* 919-560-0558
Edgecombe 252-641-7900
Fishing Creek (Halifax)* 252-583-3481
Forsyth 336-767-0720
Franklin* 919-496-3137
Gaston 704-922-4181
Gates* 252-357-1881
Graham 828-479-8562
Granville 919-693-4603
Greene 252-747-3705
Guilford 336-375-5401
Harnett* 910-893-7584
Haywood* 828-452-2741
Henderson 828-697-4949
Hertford 252-358-7846
Hoke* 910-875-8685
Hyde 252-926-4400
Iredell* 704-873-6761
Jackson* 828-586-6344
Johnston* 919-934-7156
Jones* 252-448-2731
Lee* 919-776-2633
Lenoir 252-523-7010
Lincoln 704-736-8501
Macon* 828-524-3311
Madison* 828-649-3313
Martin* 252-792-4350
McDowell 828-652-4434
Mecklenburg 704-336-2455
Mitchell 828-765-5131
Montgomery* 910-572-2700
Moore 910-947-5183
Nash 252-459-4115
New Hanover 910-798-6032
New River (Ashe)* 336-246-5461
Northampton 252-534-2591
Onslow* 910-455-4472
Orange 919-245-2750
Pamlico 252-745-4303
Pasquotank 252-338-6353
Pender 910-259-9123
Perquimans 252-426-5545
Person* 336-597-2973
Pitt 252-752-6112
Polk 828-894-8823
Randolph* 336-318-6490
Richmond* 910-997-8244
Robeson* 910-739-5478
Rockingham* 336-342-0460
Rowan* 704-216-8999
Rutherford 828-287-4220
Sampson 910-592-4791
Scotland* 910-277-2433
Stanly* 704-982-6811
Stokes 336-593-2846
Surry 336-386-8751
Swain* 828-488-2684
Transylvania 828-884-3230
Tyrrell 252-796-3891
Union 704-233-1621
Vance* 252-438-5727
Wake 919-250-1050
Warren* 252-257-3836
Washington 252-793-4561
Watauga 828-264-0842
Wayne* 919-734-5281
Wilkes* 336-838-3622
Wilson 252-237-2711
Yadkin 336-679-8378
Yancey 828-682-3410