What is the Auxiliary?
The Auxiliary is a non-profit, non-partisan organization formed for the specific purpose of assisting and supporting the North Carolina Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts Supervisors in achieving their goals.
Who are the members of the Auxiliary?
Any person in North Carolina interested in soil and water conservation may become a member upon payment of annual dues. To retain membership in the Auxiliary, dues must be paid annually.
What is the cost to become a member?
Dues are $5.00/yr. to support the business functions and activities of the Auxiliary. These dues are paid annually between the months of January and April. They can be paid either at the Annual Meeting, or directly to the Auxiliary State Treasurer following the Annual Meeting. Dues should be paid no later that April 1st to retain membership.
What do Auxiliary members do?
We have a hospitality room at the Annual Meeting with refreshments available. The Auxiliary members have meetings on Monday and Tuesday mornings of the State Meeting that includes a guest speaker and door prizes. We hold a silent auction along with a fun filled live auction. The money raised is used to honor a “Teacher of the Year” along with funding grants and providing scholarships. We also serve as helping hands such as ushering for the annual memorial service held in January.
To anyone interested in the North Carolina Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts Auxiliary…
For many years the organization has served as a strong partner, working with the Soil and Water Conservation Districts Supervisors throughout North Carolina. The organization has also provided numerous grants to deserving state teachers to assist in projects that enhanced learning and using conservation and environmental practices.
The Auxiliary plays an important part in the success of the NCASWCD Annual Meeting held yearly.
Members also support the Auxiliary by participating in the many conservation educational activities sponsored by their local conservation districts. “Accept the challenge, become involved and make a difference in your local conservation district!”