President: Betty Mathews
Vice-President: Deborah Davis
Secretary: Malinda Slawuta
Treasurer: Vicki Heath
Past President: Melinda Houser
Committee Members
Auction Committee: Charlotte Edwards, Mable Booth, Pat Stanley, Madelyn Suther, Betty Mathews, Jackie Smith, Angie Knox
Door Prizes: Ann Lowder, Melinda Houser, Cheryl Reed
Grant Committee: Members of the Executive Committee, Jackie Smith, Pat Stanley, Pat Jones, Mable Booth
Historian/Scrapbook: Jackie Smith, Betty McPherson
Hospitality Committee: Nancy Cavanaugh, Jeanette Overby, Hazel Nelson, Dianne Hudson, Madelyn Suther, Barbara Smith
Nominations Committee: Malinda Slawuta, Deborah Davis, Jackie Smith
Photographers: Pat Jones, Deborah Davis
Quilt Committee: : Mable Booth, Deborah Davis, Jackie Smith
Rules & Bylaws Committee: : Members of the Executive Committee, Jackie Smith, Pat Jones, Pat Stanley, Mable Booth
Silent Auction: : Mable Booth, Karen Hurst, Vicki Heath, Ada Harrison
Ushers: Deborah Davis, Jackie Phelps, Malinda Slawuta
(*Committee Chairperson underlined)