The NCASWCD has a multi-faceited role in Soil in Water conservation. Our primary goals are:
- Promoting an interest in the activities and programs of Soil and Water Conservation Districts and to coordinate the exchange of knowledge and information between Districts;
- Promoting suitable standards of conservation, restoration, management and the proper use of the State’s soil, water, and other natural resources;
- Addressing, and forming policies on, such issues as land use planning, non-point source water pollution, watershed protection, soil and water research efforts, and the overall environmental quality of North Carolina;
- Fostering the accumulation and exchange of the knowledge of, and to disseminate information pertaining to, conservation, restoration, management, and the proper use of all of the State’s natural resources;
- Promoting, sponsoring, and conducting research and disseminating knowledge concerning conservation, restoration, management, and proper use of the State’s soil, water, and other natural resources to the people of North Carolina;
- Promoting and sponsoring educational programs of all types relating to the conservation, restoration, management, and proper use of the soil, water, and other natural resources of the State of North Carolina;
- Securing the cooperation and assistance of local, state, and federal agencies and/or organizations and private citizen’s organizations interested in natural resource conservation in furtherance of local Soil and Water Conservation District programs; and
- Assisting and encouraging individuals in the study of natural resource conservation and management.