Article I
The name of this organization shall be the North Carolina Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts Auxiliary.
Article II
The Auxiliary is a non-profit, non-partisan organization formed for the specific purpose of assisting and supporting the North Carolina Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts in achieving its objectives.
Article III
Any person in North Carolina interested in soil and water conservation may become a member upon payment of annual dues. However, voting members must be a spouse of a Supervisor or District Employee. To retain membership in the Auxiliary, dues must be paid annually. Spouse of a deceased supervisor may become a life member without payment of dues.
Article IV
Officers of the Auxiliary shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers shall be elected for a two-year term of office, such election to be held during the Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts Auxiliary. Officers shall take office at an appropriate time during the Annual Meeting and shall serve until their successors shall have been elected and qualified.
Article V
Each County in North Carolina is encouraged to form a local chapter of the Auxiliary to support conservation programs at the local level and to participate in the affairs of the Auxiliary. Each local chapter should report annually, not later than November 30, to the State President and State Secretary on local projects. Example: forwarding copies of minutes of all local meetings to the State President and Secretary.
Article VI
The President, with the advice and consent of the officers, shall have the power to appoint such standing and special committees as may be necessary to carry out the objectives of the Auxiliary.
Article VII
Meetings shall be held annually at the same time and at the same place as meetings of the North Carolina Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts are held.
Article VIII
Dues shall be $5.00 to support the business functions and activities of the Auxiliary. These dues are to be paid annually between the months of January and April. They are to be paid either at the Annual Meeting or direct to the State Treasurer following the Annual Meeting. Dues should be paid no later that April 1 to retain membership.
Article IX
By-Laws may be adopted and the Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of members present at any regular or special meeting of the Association.
Article I
Section l. The President shall preside at all meeting of the Executive Committee and the Annual Meeting of the Auxiliary. She (or he) shall serve as Chairman of the Program Committee for the Annual Meeting. She (or he) shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, fill vacancies occurring in office; appoint standing and special committees; and at the Annual Meeting present a report to the Auxiliary and to the Association. She (or he) shall call special meetings of the Executive Committee as she or he deems necessary. She (or he) shall attend or arrange for an Auxiliary representative at Fall Area Meetings when requested. The President shall represent the State Auxiliary as its official delegate at the National Convention of the NACD. In the event she (or he) is unable to attend, the Vice-President will serve as the official delegate. The President has the authority to appoint an auxiliary member to represent the NCASWCD Auxiliary at the National Association of Conservation Districts and the southeast Region Meetings if the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer cannot attend.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall assist the President in general in the work of the Auxiliary, and shall, in the absence of the President, perform all the duties of the office, and upon resignation or removal of the President, shall become President and hold office through the unexpired term of the former President. She (or he) shall serve as Chairman of the Committee on Constitution and By-Laws and the Usher Committee. She (or he) shall serve on the Program Committee for the Annual Meeting. The Vice-President, alternating with the Secretary, shall represent the State Auxiliary as its official delegate at the Southeastern Regional Meeting every other year.
Section 3. Secretary – She (or he) shall keep in permanent form the minutes of the Annual Meeting and the Executive Committee and shall provide the President with a copy of these minutes. She (or he) shall, with the help of the President, make an annual report to the National Auxiliary and with the help of the President send notices of the time and place of the Annual Meeting. She (or he) shall attend to the general correspondence of the Auxiliary. She (or he) shall send the names and addresses of new officers immediately after election at the Annual Meeting to the NACD Auxiliary President and Secretary.
Section 4. Treasurer – She (or he) shall disburse funds according to the budget and/or those directed by the Executive Committee; close the books by December 31 and present at the Annual Meeting a Financial Report previously reviewed by the Executive Committee. She (or he) should prepare a tentative budget for the ensuing year and present to the Executive Committee for approval and to the members of the NCASWCD Auxiliary at the Annual Meeting for final adoption.
Article II
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President. The Executive Committee shall hold a meeting preceding the Annual Meeting and other meetings at its discretion.
Article III
Section l. The North Carolina Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts Auxiliary shall be supported by annual dues, auctions, quilt sales and/or any other monies received for the Auxiliary by the Treasurer.
Section 2. The budget for the year shall be submitted by the Treasurer to the Executive Committee for approval and then to the members of the Auxiliary at its Annual Meeting for final adoption.
Section 3. A definite sum, not to exceed $1,300.00, shall be budgeted each year for expenses of official delegates to the National Convention and Regional Convention.
Article IV
The Auxiliary shall have the following Standing Committees:
l. The Program Committee for the Annual Meeting shall be made up of the President, Vice-President, and host District.
2. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President every other year with each of its members representing a different geographic location of the State.
3. The Usher Committee
l. Revise Constitution and By-Laws every two years.
(Revised 01/09/2001) (Reviewed, required no changes 01/05/2003) (Reviewed, required no changes 01/09/2005) (Revised 01/09/2007) (Reviewed, required no changes 01/06/2008) (Revised 01/05/2010)
2. Revise the Auxiliary membership list annually.